Dear Mr Simon Newton,
RE: 8 Central Avenue, Studio Floor Construction
Watpac strives to provide continual feedback on recent experiences with subcontractors. We believe that this is a pro-active approach that promotes an active learning review of your performance at the Channel 7 Studios, 8 Central Avenue, Eveleigh.
We believe that Bess Concrete, supported by JM Concrete, have executed their subcontract works in a diligent professional manor, which one would expect from a tier one subcontractor and I would have no hesitation recommending your company for similar works.
In recognition of the works completed, Watpac fully supports that the studio floors be entered into the International Golden Trowel Awards. Please find attached the relevant contact details required for this submission.
We are also of the firm belief that as the head contractor on the project, there are systems, procedures and operations that we can improve. Any three hundred and sixty degree feedback would be appreciated.
We look forward to building upon this relationship on future projects and should you have any queries or require a verbal reference, please contact the undersigned.
Yours faithfully,
John Currenti
Project Director
Watpac Construction (NSW) Pty Ltd